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6th Eastern and Southern Africa regional conference on inclusive insurance

6th Eastern and Southern Africa regional conference on inclusive insurance

12 March, 2021    

The 2021 Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Conference on Inclusive Insurance was part of the series of regional learning sessions aimed at contributing to the development of inclusive insurance markets in Africa.

The 6th regional conference was conducted virtually and was hosted by the Association of Insurers of Mozambique (AMS), Instituto de Supervisão de Seguros de Moçambique (ISSM), Financial Sector Deepening Mozambique (FSDMoç) and Munich Re Foundation.

This digital edition of the regional conference was a combination of high-quality training and plenary sessions aimed at sharing insights on inclusive insurance business models that are making access to low-income market segments in Africa possible.

The sub-themes for the conference were:​

  • The Landscape of Inclusive Insurance in Mozambique: An up-to-date portrait or state of the market of inclusive insurance in Mozambique.
  • Disaster risk financing and agricultural insurance: Exploratory insights and lessons on macro, meso and micro risk management solutions that can be applicable to countries with low insurance penetration and sovereign protection in the light of the impact of climate change. Taking stock of insights and lessons learned from private and public-private partnerships models for agricultural insurance solutions for smallholder farmers.
  • Inclusive health insurance solutions: Addressing the questions on viability and feasibility of inclusive health insurance solutions. How can private insurance complement national health insurance scheme; this session draws lessons from other national health insurance schemes in Africa.
  • Digital solutions for inclusive insurance: Taking stock of what has worked and what has not worked with digital inclusive insurance solutions and business models.
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  • Inclusive insurance market development and consumer education: Sharing experiences and lessons inclusive insurance market development

Find out more about the conference here.

This work forms part of the Risk, Remittances and Integrity programme, a partnership between FSD Africa and Cenfri.

March 23, 2021 - March 25, 2021