Now reading: Driving digital financial services with behavioural science

Openi2i learning initiative

Openi2i is an initiative of Cenfri and Finmark Trust focused on sharing some of the programmatic learnings we’ve discovered from the last 5 years of jointly implementing the insight2impact programme. Through Openi2i, we will document and explore our journey from the start to end of this programme while considering what has contributed to our successes and failures. Some of the key learnings we’ve we’ll be exploring are programme design, stakeholder engagement, innovation in Africa and digital skills development.

Driving digital financial services with behavioural science
After conducting a [...]
Researching outside the box
The benefits and challenges of systems practice for engaged ecosystem research At the beginni [...]
Digital identity and financial inclusion
How digitising customer due diligence can strengthen providers during COVID-19 and beyond For [...]
Overthrowing the king: Could central bank digital currencies replace cash in post-COVID-19 Africa?
In an age where we can send mail electronically in seconds at no cost rather than going to the post, it seems od [...]
Why it’s time for Africa to adopt a regional digital financial identity
According to the World Bank Group’s Identification for Development,  [...]
Risk vs. resilience: Insuring sustainable African cities in the age of climate change
Though much of the global conversation is, understandably, focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change cont [...]
When digital payment goes viral: lessons from COVID-19’s impact on mobile money in Rwanda
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many African governments have implemented policy changes and lockdowns [...]
New era, new data: Why ‘financial inclusion 2.0’ will require a different approach to measurement
Financial inclusion is entering a new era The movement’s first era – which we’ll call [...]
Insurance in the age of COVID-19: The pandemic highlights the need for a new approach
For the last decade, Cenfri and other development partners have focused our approach to [...]