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Masiiwa Rusare

Masiiwa manages research, policy and regulatory engagement within the financial integrity team. He is passionate about unlocking Africa’s development through systemic and sustainable interventions.

During his time at Cenfri, Masiiwa has conducted a variety of projects covering: illicit financial flowsrisk-based approaches to AML-CFT implementationfinancial inclusion and inclusive financial integrity; as well as managing a Making Access Possible (MAP) study for Madagascar. He has provided technical assistance on FATF and AML-CFT to regulators and financial service providers at country and regional levels, including the Eastern and Southern Africa Anti Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG) and West Africa Anti Money Laundering Group (GIABA) among others. 

Prior to joining Cenfri, Masiiwa worked on the research-policy/regulation-development interface on the above issues (including trade and sustainable development) within the think tank, private sector and civil society environments. He has managed research and consultancy work across Africa and Asian countries. In addition, Masiiwa extensively advised regulators/policymakers, private sector and civil society at national level, regional level (SADC, COMESA, ECOWAS, African Caribbean and Pacific region, African Union, UNECA, AfDB, among others) as well as global level (United Nations, World Trade Organization, among others) on the above issues.

Masiiwa is passionate about unlocking Africa’s development through systemic, lasting and sustainable interventions.

Recent highlights
  • Designing, implementing and managing the technical assistance portfolio on inclusive integrity, financial inclusion and illicit flows across Africa.  
  • Working closely with regulators, including Financial Intelligence Centres (FIC) as well as financial services providers.  
  • Designing and implementing training courses on AML-CFT, compliance, de-risking and financial integrity with FSPs, regulators and designated non-financial businesses and professions (DNFBPs) in Eastern and Southern Africa region including Zimbabwe and Uganda.  
  • Conducting analysis and managing stakeholder engagement in country diagnostics studies in Madagascar and Zambia, among others. 
  • Masters in Project Management (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
  • Masters in International Development Studies (Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan)
  • Masters in Economics (University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe)
  • Bachelor of Science Economics (University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe)
  • Member of Project Management South Africa (PMSA)

Recent Work by Masiiwa Rusare
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A new approach to tackling deforestation
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An assessment of customer due diligence and identity regulatory frameworks
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Enhancing identity verification for refugees in Uganda
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Strengthening financial integrity through inclusion
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