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Digital Transformation & Data

Cenfri contributes to building the fundamentals of welfare-enhancing digital economies. We prioritise digital transformation that is inclusive, sustainable, opportunity-creating and has appropriate safeguards. Digital transformation underpins much of our work and ranges from payments digitalisation to digital economy diagnostics, and digital skills assessments to direct digitalisation support.

Cenfri also collaborates with policymakers and other public and private sector stakeholders in data-driven decision-making that is calibrated to the data available and is designed to strengthen the existing skills and data governance processes within these organisations. The Rwanda Economy Digitalisation Programme is our flagship evidence-informed policymaking and data-for-decisions intervention, but we have considerable experience in using evidence to generate insights and inform policymaking and business decision-making with a view to improved economic development outcomes. Our expertise in data, payments and digital identity enables us to contribute to current DPI (digital public infrastructure) conversations.

Digital Transformation & Data

Farming for data in Kenya

Thoughts from the first event in the #DataHacks4FI meet-up series in Nairobi In Kenya, agriculture is the second largest contributor to GDP and the largest supporter of livelihoods. 75% of the labour force in Kenya is employed in agriculture and 33% of all adults derive their main source of income

Digital Transformation & Data

A river gets full through its tributaries

Building mutually beneficial financial inclusion communities through data The first language that l was exposed to as a child was Sotho/Tswana. My maternal grandfather had this saying as one of his favourites, “Noka etlatswa ke dinokana”, meaning “a river gets full through its tributaries for it to flow yearlong”. This

Getting ahead of the curve: How the regulatory discourse on M-insurance is changing
Digital Transformation & Data

Getting ahead of the curve: How the regulatory discourse on M-insurance is changing

Nearly a year ago, we joined the A2ii in Abidjan to sit down with a roomful of regulators to discuss the challenges and imperatives CIMA faces in regulating mobile insurance at the CIMA-A2ii Workshop on Mobile Insurance Regulation. In the CIMA context, as with most countries in Africa, mobile network operators (MNOs) and the technical

Digital Transformation & Data

Insurtech tracker archive

This is the first version of the insurtech tracker. Explore more on insurtech here or see the updated insurtech tracker here.  

Data and analytics for business decision-making: Breakdown of data value chain
Digital Transformation & Data

Data and analytics for business decision-making: Breakdown of data value chain

There are several steps in the data value chain which spans the entire journey from raw data to value creation within an organisation.  The data value chain starts with data, then analytics are applied to generate insights, the insights are applied to business functions, which results in impact. This impact