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MSMEs, Ecosystems & Economic Opportunity

Improved economic opportunity and more resilient livelihoods are key to sustainable development in emerging markets. Interventions designed to support micro, small and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs), startup ecosystems and more established value-chains need to be effective in unlocking innovation and employment if they are to contribute to economic growth. Cenfri undertakes several areas of related work including:

Digital economy diagnostics
Support for fintech innovation and research on the platform economy
Digital transformation of MSMEs (including innovations in logistics and digital tools for tourism businesses)
MSME finance – payments, credit, investment and resilience (rethinking insurance to meet MSME needs and better manage the risks they face)
MSME segmentation
Technical assistance to the private sector
Scenarios linked to the future of work and food security

The new nexus: digital governance, digital financial services and the SDGs
MSMEs, Ecosystems & Economic Opportunity

Researching outside the box

The benefits and challenges of systems practice for engaged ecosystem research At the beginning of this year, Cenfri set out to understand the tech innovation ecosystems in Cape Town, Nairobi and Lagos, joined (for the Lagos project) by our partners at the Lagos Business School. As perpetually curious researchers, we are well-versed in gathering large quantities of

Innovation ecosystem
Digital Transformation & Data

Innovation ecosystems in sub-Saharan Africa: How to enable flourishing innovation?

Insights from Cape Town, Nairobi and Lagos  With a growing number of tech start-ups, hubs, accelerators and other innovation facilitators, Cape Town, Nairobi and Lagos have put themselves on the map as important innovation ecosystems in Africa. Innovation is a key force for economic growth and development. Not only can it lead to greater efficiencies and productivity, it also

Covid-19 and insurers
MSMEs, Ecosystems & Economic Opportunity

Insurers can play a key role in getting societies back to work

In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, insurance should be a primary mechanism for many people across the world to cope. Instead, the limited penetration of insurance products in developing countries has pushed insurance to the periphery. However, all is not lost. Insurers still have a key role to play

Behavioural science and Covid19
MSMEs, Ecosystems & Economic Opportunity

Insurance in the age of COVID-19: The pandemic highlights the need for a new approach

For the last decade, Cenfri and other development partners have focused our approach to insurance development on the welfare implications for individuals and households. This remains valid – insurance plays a critical role in ensuring that people and households have the ability to mitigate unexpected financial shocks, preserve their assets

Digital platform ecosystem
Digital Transformation & Data

Emerging trends from Africa’s digital platforms

Africa is experiencing a wave of digital platform businesses emerging and few economic sectors are untouched by their influence. Relying predominantly on mobile-app-based technology, digital platforms have an impact on livelihoods through matching supply and demand of goods and services, opening up new channels for employment and distributing additional value-added

Digital Transformation & Data

Maintaining inclusive innovation under COVID-19

In our previous article, we reflected on the different ways that stakeholders can ensure the Cape Town tech ecosystem produces valuable innovation that is as inclusive as possible. While writing that article, the world changed. With many countries now applying varying degrees of social distancing, and with South Africa having

Notes during workshop
Digital Transformation & Data

Cape Town tech ecosystem: Strengthening inclusive innovation in a divided city

“The idea is that tensions and challenges in the city region also point to opportunities for innovation and that effectively harnessing the city’s diversity could provide Cape Town’s innovation ecosystem with a competitive advantage and distinguishing identity.” Last year, Cape Town made the top 30 global tech cities in the