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Payments & Remittances

Cenfri has broad experience in fit-for-purpose payment systems in emerging markets, particularly in Africa. We work towards making retail payments a public good, assisting central banks, payments operators and payment system participants navigate domestic and cross-border payments modernisation in a manner that contributes to economic inclusion.

We have worked extensively in instant/faster retail payment systems and in improving access to remittances for low-income households. Other projects range from diagnostic and landscaping studies, developing a national payments vision, to analysing payments legislation and regulation, and feasibility studies on central bank digital currency (CBDC). The convergence of payments and identity, as well as the focus on digitising the entire value chain rather than limited use cases, is central to our theory of change in digital payments.

We have worked with IFAD’s Financing Facility for Remittances, the World Bank, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, AfricaNenda, FSD Africa, FSD Kenya, GIZ, UNCDF, BankservAfrica, Finmark Trust, the African Union and the Alliance for Financial Inclusion.

Central bank digital currency (CBDC) and financial inclusion
Digital Transformation & Data

Central bank digital currency (CBDC) and financial inclusion

What can CBDC do for emerging markets: a case for mobile money Central banks have started to actively explore central bank digital currency (CBDC) – a new digital form of legal tender that mimics cash. Our initial note “The benefits and potential risks of digital fiat currencies” highlighted that CBDC

Four things we learned at the 2019 Seamless Southern Africa Conference
Digital Transformation & Data

Four things we learned at the 2019 Seamless Southern Africa Conference

Understanding the state of digital payments in sub-Saharan Africa. The Seamless Southern Africa conference took place in Cape Town, South Africa, from 11 to 13 March 2019. The conference offered a platform for discussions on an array of topics, including the digitisation of payments, cryptocurrencies and financial innovation, and the

Evolution of agent networks in Africa
Digital Transformation & Data

The evolution of agent networks in Africa

Case study: Kenya The majority of mobile-money flows continue to be dominated by cash-in and cash-out (CICO) transactions. This has led to the increasing belief that widely distributed networks of agents are essential access points for consumers, especially in rural and remote regions, to facilitate CICO needs. It is accepted

Digital Transformation & Data

Payment systems in sub-Saharan Africa

This two-part note series explores the state of national and regional payment systems in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Note 1 explores themes and imperatives for national and regional payment systems that enable remittances. It provides an overview of the regulatory frameworks in SSA and the principles to be considered to mitigate risks

#IWD2018 : Remittances in SSA
Payments & Remittances

Learnings from comparing consumer credit protection systems in Pakistan and South Africa

For consumers to take up and use financial products, it is crucial that they trust the product and the service provider. In creating consumer trust in financial products, one of the most important building blocks is the presence and effectiveness of recourse mechanisms [1]. Understanding consumer recourse in Pakistan  The risks

Governance, Policy & Regulation

Regulating for responsible data innovation

The role of insurance regulators in dealing with risks relating to consumer data protection and privacy Data innovation is challenging the traditional role of insurance regulators. Two major dilemmas emerge that insurance regulators and indeed all financial sector regulators face when confronted with how to regulate consumer data: They must

Busy street Kenya
Digital Transformation & Data

Inclusive insurance enhanced through the use of client data

How different types of alternative and traditional client data solve key challenges in inclusive insurance provision This publication adds depth to the discussion of the use of client data in inclusive insurance provision, by examining the specific applications of different types of data to different key insurance activities. The explosion

Payments & Remittances

Voluntary take-up: The holy grail of microinsurance

Last week, Cenfri was in Brussels to present at the BRS microfinance lunch on what we deem to be the holy grail of microinsurance – voluntary take-up (something highly desirable but very hard to achieve). The BRS microfinance lunch is a semi-annual series that provides an opportunity for the KBC