Eswatini’s National Payment System Vision 2025

Eswatini’s National Payment System Vision 2025

6 April, 2021    

Eswatini’s journey towards revolutionising its payments system 

In 2009, the Central Bank of Eswatini (CBE) published the Swaziland National Payment System (NPS) Vision 2009–2016 made significant inroads in developing key guidelines, regulations and initiating processes for a more efficient and reliable payment system. The focus of the 2021–2025 strategy is to create the key ecosystem enablers for a modern and frictionless payment system that not only meets today’s payment needs but is geared towards the future while mitigating new risks that may arise to threaten the stability of the financial sector.

Considering the changing digital payment landscape in Eswatini, the CBE partnered with Cenfri under the Risk, Remittances and Integrity (RRI) programme, funded by FSD Africa, to help take stock of and provide a blueprint for the NPS strategy. The NPS strategic framework would help guide the evolution of the NPS during the next five years by identifying strategic priorities that are forward-looking and fit for purpose.  

This document highlights key strategic imperatives for the advancement and modernisation of the NPS in Eswatini. It aims to guide the evolution of the NPS from 2021 until 2025 under the direct supervision and leadership of the CBE. 

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This work forms part of the Risk, Remittances and Integrity programme, a partnership between FSD Africa and Cenfri. For more information on this initiative, contact Antonia Esser.

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