Microinsurance solutions for climate change
Microinsurance solutions for climate change
10 July, 2017 •The third edition of The State of Microinsurance annual journal looks at microinsurance solutions for climate change, focusing on pioneering ideas in the way micro-insurance is being designed and offered, and highlighting key lessons learned from a range of different programmes and initiatives.
Published by the Microinsurance Network, this report explains how inclusive insurance can contribute to mitigating the impact of climate change. It progresses the conversation beyond risk transfer and product design, to a broader focus on integrated risk management and how countries can better prepare and respond to climate-related risks.
The focus on risk management in climate change presents an opportunity for microinsurance, but there are still key challenges in implementing it in a way that improves resilience for nations, communities and households. This will require collaboration across different spheres of regulators, industry and donors. The Microinsurance Network has an important role in convening these different stakeholders and helping to guide this discussion going forward.