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Financial Integrity & Identity

With an emphasis on inclusive financial integrity, Cenfri provides technical assistance, tools and skills building to policymakers, regulators, supervisors and compliance heads looking to apply risk-based and outcomes accountable approaches to money laundering, terrorism financing and proliferation-financing risk strategies. Combining our understanding of relevant risks, familiarity with the FATF guidelines, knowledge of identity and identity-proofing capabilities and leveraging our competency in risk data analytics, we support financial service value chains undertake assessments from national level to the financial product level, thereby enabling the adoption of appropriate customer due diligence practices. 

Cenfri is committed to assisting countries to move off the grey list responsibly, shaping national risk assessment processes with empirical data and working with remittance services’ compliance managers to ensure that low-income households are not disproportionately affected in receiving low-value remittances. 

We are interested in mitigating the longer-term impact of illicit financial flows using digital technology (regtech, suptech and AI) to evaluate and monitor illicit flows and enhance inclusive financial integrity.

We have worked with BankServ Africa, FSD Africa, GIZ, IFAD’s Financing Facility for Remittances, UNCDF and AFI on a range of financial integrity and identity projects.

Digital identity and financial inclusion
COVID-19 impact and recovery

Digital identity and financial inclusion

How digitising customer due diligence can strengthen providers during COVID-19 and beyond For the last two decades, financial inclusion practitioners have been addressing the barriers that prevent adults from accessing and using financial services that can improve their livelihoods. One of the major barriers, originally uncovered by FinMark Trust in

SHARE Inclusive Integrity Toolkit
Digital Governance, Digital Financial Services and the SDGs

Inclusive Integrity Toolkit

Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) in conjunction with Cenfri and supported by FSD Africa are pleased to officially launch the Inclusive Financial Integrity Toolkit. Countries in the sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region have been on a development curve in setting up effective Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism

Illicit financial flows
Digital Governance, Digital Financial Services and the SDGs

Finding the missing pieces of the puzzle: using regtech to combat illicit financial flows

Modern financial crime has evolved significantly over the last few decades. Detecting these global networks of sophisticated crime has become more complicated than solving a thousand-piece puzzle in minutes and with half the pieces missing; humanly impossible. This is the kind of complexity that faces the authorities and institutions at

regional digital financial identity
Financial Integrity & Identity

Why it’s time for Africa to adopt a regional digital financial identity

According to the World Bank Group’s Identification for Development, 1.1 billion people globally, including women, children and refugees, lack any form of officially recognised identification. This is a significant obstacle to financial inclusion and other development efforts, and the global community is increasingly focused on addressing the problem. For instance, the

COVID-19 and insurance remote onboarding
COVID-19 impact and recovery

COVID-19 and remittances to Africa: What can we do?

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerability of people, and the financial and other systems that underpin much of our daily existence. Remittance recipients in Africa are likely to be particularly hard hit by both the immediate and longer-term effects of the pandemic. In 2018 alone, personal remittance flows to

Digital Transformation & Data

An analysis of ID proxy initiatives across the globe

BankservAfrica and Cenfri investigate the role of ID proxy initiatives in transforming payment ecosystems in Africa and beyond.   Real-time instant payments have become a hallmark of the digital economy and financial system. As part of our growing work in payment ecosystems, this report clarifies and investigates proxy and addressing

illicit financial flows
Financial Integrity & Identity

The importance of indicators in combatting illicit financial flows

The problem of illicit financial flows is recognised in the SDGs yet little progress has been made in combatting them Illicit financial flows (IFFs) are typically understood as “dirty money” crossing borders. The term covers a number of different cross-jurisdictional crimes including money laundering (ML), bribery, corruption, resource smuggling, human

Financial Integrity & Identity

Know-your-customer (KYC) innovation and integrity

Read our latest report with the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) exploring KYC innovations It is estimated that approximately one billion people across the world do not have access to an officially recognisable identity. Most of these people live in developing economies. The ability of a person to prove their