Now reading: Insurers can play a key role in getting societies back to work

Resilience & Insurance

Cenfri has deep insurance expertise from working with the insurance markets in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Insurance penetration in these markets is often low and we understand the need for responsible market innovation so that insurance fulfils its optimal role in building resilience, supporting business growth, and contributing to broader policy and development objectives.

The breadth of Cenfri’s insurance and resilience work spans diagnostic studies, development of global and regional standards and national regulations, technical assistance and innovation support (to regulators and the private sector), innovation studies, MSME-tailored resilience solutions, improved risk management in response to climate-related events, and definitive work on cell captives.

Our partners include GIZ, Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii), the UK’s FCDO (formerly DFID), the FSD Africa and other financial sector deepening trusts, the Swiss Capacity Building Fund, FSCA, Hollard, Santam, Old Mutual, AXA, Britam, Generali, the Microinsurance Network, UNCDF, UNDP, The World Bank, IFC, IADB and ADB. 

Covid-19 and insurers
COVID-19 impact and recovery

Insurers can play a key role in getting societies back to work

In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, insurance should be a primary mechanism for many people across the world to cope. Instead, the limited penetration of insurance products in developing countries has pushed insurance to the periphery. However, all is not lost. Insurers still have a key role to play

COVID-19 impact and recovery

The impact of COVID-19 on African insurance markets

Challenges and opportunities for insurance providers and regulators across sub-Saharan Africa  The COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying restrictions by many governments across sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have forced insurance providers, insurance regulators and consumers to rethink how they interact and maintain operations through this period. Furthermore, the economic crisis resulting from the

Insurance for development

Health insurtechs: from incremental digitisation to full digital ecosystems

Health – and the welfare implications of illness – has rarely been more front of mind than in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic As a think tank looking at the role of the financial sector in society, we have been tracking trends in health insurance for a number of

Behavioural science and Covid19
COVID-19 impact and recovery

Insurance in the age of COVID-19: The pandemic highlights the need for a new approach

For the last decade, Cenfri and other development partners have focused our approach to insurance development on the welfare implications for individuals and households. This remains valid – insurance plays a critical role in ensuring that people and households have the ability to mitigate unexpected financial shocks, preserve their assets

Insurance for development

Climate risk data and modelling for Africa

The rise in climate-related hazards and catastrophic weather increases economic risks for low-income and middle-income countries. While insurance allows for faster recovery from disasters and increases resilience to future disasters, low-income and middle-income countries have large insurance protection gaps. The Insurance Development Forum estimates that USD160 billion of assets are

Egyptian market
Data and Analytics

Insur;Hack Report

Egypt’s first hackathon focused on creating an inclusive and tech-enabled insurance sector The Insur;Hack (focusing specifically on insurtech) was a collaborative effort with Promotion of Access to Financial Services for Small and Medium Enterprises (PAFSMA), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Egypt, Financial Regulatory Authority (FRA) of Egypt, Insurance Federation

Digital Transformation & Data

The financial needs of Mexicans

How do Mexicans solve their financial needs? This report outlines the findings from a study carried out by insight2impact in collaboration with Comision Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (CNBV) of Mexico to gauge how Mexicans meet their financial needs, especially when it comes to send and receive money, manage liquidity,

Cenfri Accra Ghana insurance for growth
Insurance for development

The role of insurance for development

This research explores the role of insurance in sustainable development and inclusive growth. DFID partnered with the World Bank, FSDAfrica and Cenfri to conduct a series of diagnostics in Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya and Rwanda to understand how insurance market development can contribute to sustainable and inclusive growth. The diagnostics explore

Regulating for Innovation webinar

Regulating for innovation: an evolving framework

This focus note aims to equip regulators with a decision framework that illustrates the available tools required to regulate for innovation. Why is it necessary to regulate for innovation? Digital innovation is changing the nature of financial markets. Innovation can create opportunities, enhance efficiencies, increase competition, drive scale, and improve