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Capacity-building for data-driven decision-making

To promote a sustainable data-driven culture in Rwanda and beyond, Cenfri is working to strengthen and promote the use of data and insights by policymakers and businesses. Our activities include:

Training and skills development for evidence-informed policymaking
The identification of currently and potentially available data sources and the assessment of training needs
Strategic planning on data creation, access, confidentiality, security, and commercialisation
Placement of data interns in select public-sector institutions (and capacity-development for these interns)

Navigating a career in data science
There is demand for skilled professionals in the field of data science as organisations are increasingly adopting a data-driven approach. From uncover [...]
Impact from the Remittance Access Initiative
KYC and CDD requirements can inhibit access to remittances for low-income, rura [...]
Developing capacity to boost data-driven decision-making in Rwanda
In recent years, Rwanda has embarked on a transformative journey towards digitalisation to fuel economic growth and innovation. The [...]
Training improves ability to unlock value from data
Capacity-development is a vital part of the [...]
Training: Foundation of Data-Driven Analysis for Policy Decisions
Cenfri is supporting staff from public institutions in Rwanda with tailored training to boost their capabilities in data an [...]
What is data-driven decision making and what does it mean for Rwanda?
Nothing illustrates the incredible power of data-driven decision-making more than the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Lamenting the disparit [...]
Building a data skills foundation is necessary to achieve meaningful digitalisation
One of the reasons so much emphasis is placed on digitalisation is th [...]