Now reading: MSME resilience in Ghana

Micro- Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)

Given the critical role that micro, small and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs) play in emerging markets, interventions designed to support them need to be effective in unlocking innovation, employment and economic growth. Cenfri is exploring several areas of MSME-related work including:

Nuanced MSME segmentation
Digital transformation of MSMEs
Systems mapping (understanding key value-chains as well as the drivers and constraints in the ecosystem)
Designing interventions and rethinking insurance to meet MSME needs and better manage the risks they face
Technical assistance to the private sector

MSME resilience in Ghana
In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) make vital contributions to growth, employme [...]
Digitalizing farm to table supply chains in Asia
On-demand transport services and insurtech  Whether as a customer or a busi [...]
MSMEs financing in Africa  
A framework for enabling access to finance for MSMEs in Africa   [...]
Holistic interventions for MSME resilience 
A guidebook using nine Asian countries (Cambodia, India, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Philippin [...]
From product provider to trusted risk advisor
Unlocking the SME insurance market through a holistic approach to building resilience. I rece [...]
Digital platforms supporting MSMEs through Africa’s COVID-19 crisis
The global COVID-19 pandemic has emphasised the importance of connectedness – and micro, [...]
Managing risks (more) effectively: Rethinking insurance for MSMEs 
MSMEs form the backbone of many economies globally and give rise to economic growth, employment and innovation. [...]
The potential of digital platforms as distributors and enablers of financial services in Africa
The past decade has seen the emergence of digital platforms, which connect buyers and sellers of goods and servi [...]
Insurers can play a key role in getting societies back to work
In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, insurance should be a primary mechanism for many people across the world to [...]