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Digital Transformation & Data

Cenfri contributes to building the fundamentals of welfare-enhancing digital economies. We prioritise digital transformation that is inclusive, sustainable, opportunity-creating and has appropriate safeguards. Digital transformation underpins much of our work and ranges from payments digitalisation to digital economy diagnostics, and digital skills assessments to direct digitalisation support.

Cenfri also collaborates with policymakers and other public and private sector stakeholders in data-driven decision-making that is calibrated to the data available and is designed to strengthen the existing skills and data governance processes within these organisations. The Rwanda Economy Digitalisation Programme is our flagship evidence-informed policymaking and data-for-decisions intervention, but we have considerable experience in using evidence to generate insights and inform policymaking and business decision-making with a view to improved economic development outcomes. Our expertise in data, payments and digital identity enables us to contribute to current DPI (digital public infrastructure) conversations.

Digital Transformation & Data

Digitalisation and financial inclusion in agriculture

Agriculture is the largest sector in the Rwandan economy, with 75% of the adult population generating their livelihoods from the sector. Its contribution to GDP and export earnings is substantial, accounting for 26% of Rwanda’s GDP value added in 2020. As part of the Rwanda Economy Digitalisation Programme, we conducted

Digital Transformation & Data

Digitalisation is an opportunity to accelerate the recovery of the tourism industry

In the past decade, the government of Rwanda has made significant investments in the tourism sector, positioning it as a vital driver of economic development and decentralization, catering to both domestic and international visitors. As part of the Rwanda Economy Digitalisation Programme, we conducted a landscaping study of the tourism

Digital Transformation & Data

Reflections on the policy evolution in Rwanda’s ICT sector

In implementing the Rwanda Economy Digitalisation Programme, Cenfri has worked with multiple stakeholders and partners to acquire datasets to inform policy that will improve the country’s digital economy. As the programme evolves, there is a growing appetite from policy and decision-makers for Cenfri’s data analysis. Our policy associate, Charles Semapondo,

Digital Transformation & Data

Catalysing the use of data and digital technology for tourism in Ghana

Ghana’s tourism industry presents an exciting landscape for growth, offering significant potential for youth employment and entrepreneurship. However, an effective digital presence is a prerequisite for competitiveness in the global tourism sector and in Ghana, digital technology adoption among tourism operators remains nascent. Data and digital technology increasingly enable tourism

Digital Transformation & Data

Guidance notes to public sector data frameworks

If properly catalogued, classified and shared, public sector data can be leveraged to increase access to services, make service delivery more efficient and inform policymaking. Real-time data on traffic and urbanisation can inform urban planning efforts including mobility, energy and water consumption, for example. Combining machine learning techniques with access

Digital Transformation & Data

Developing capacity to boost data-driven decision-making in Rwanda

In recent years, Rwanda has embarked on a transformative journey towards digitalisation to fuel economic growth and innovation. The Rwanda Economy Digitalisation Programme, implemented by Cenfri in partnership with the Ministry of ICT and Innovation and the Mastercard Foundation, is contributing to this journey. Our focus is predominantly on extracting

Digital Transformation & Data

Understanding CBDC and its application in emerging markets

Central banks have cited several reasons for considering or piloting central bank digital currencies (CBDC). These include a desire to enhance financial stability and monetary policy, improve payment systems, and contribute to financial inclusion.  However, uncertainty still exists regarding how a CBDC can be designed to promote greater access and