Women on the move: Harnessing the economic forces of cross-border mobility in ASEAN

Women on the move: Harnessing the economic forces of cross-border mobility in ASEAN

10 September, 2015    

Financial services, including savings accounts and investments into capital assets such as land, have traditionally excluded women in the ASEAN region. Evidence shows that including them can greatly influence the intergenerational wealth of their families.

This report focuses on the role played by remittances in achieving broader development objectives with a specific focus on women economic empowerment. It draws on the gender disaggregated data provided by MAP country diagnostics in Myanmar and Thailand, as well as Findex to identify the potential role of remittances for two unique segments of the population: women migrants sending money home and women who have taken over the household decision-making and receive income through remittances. Further, it highlights the fact that women migrants often face gender-specific challenges and barriers beyond those faced by male migrants.

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