Now reading: MSME resilience in Ghana

MSMEs, Ecosystems & Economic Opportunity

Improved economic opportunity and more resilient livelihoods are key to sustainable development in emerging markets. Interventions designed to support micro, small and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs), startup ecosystems and more established value-chains need to be effective in unlocking innovation and employment if they are to contribute to economic growth. Cenfri undertakes several areas of related work including:

Digital economy diagnostics
Support for fintech innovation and research on the platform economy
Digital transformation of MSMEs (including innovations in logistics and digital tools for tourism businesses)
MSME finance – payments, credit, investment and resilience (rethinking insurance to meet MSME needs and better manage the risks they face)
MSME segmentation
Technical assistance to the private sector
Scenarios linked to the future of work and food security

MSME resilience in Ghana
MSMEs, Ecosystems & Economic Opportunity

MSME resilience in Ghana

In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) make vital contributions to growth, employment and livelihoods, representing more than 90% of businesses and employing about 60% of workers.  However, the full potential of MSMEs is often not realised as they are highly exposed to risks that threaten their

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Digitalizing farm to table supply chains in Asia
Digital Transformation & Data

Digitalizing farm to table supply chains in Asia

On-demand transport services and insurtech  Whether as a customer or a business, digital platforms that connect people and services are ubiquitous today. The adoption of technology in food logistics has presented the opportunity to transform agricultural and food systems with tools that are cheaper and quicker to implement. App-based logistics and transport systems have

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Digital Transformation & Data

Guidance on start-up support in Ethiopia

Recommendations to support digital start-ups Cenfri supported Digital Financial in producing a technical guide on the creation of a fund to support a digital start-up ecosystem in Ethiopia. This work was commissioned by the Ministry of Finance (MoF) of Ethiopia in partnership with Digital Pathways at University of Oxford and

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Policy catalogue on MSMEs financing in Africa
Governance, Policy & Regulation

MSMEs financing in Africa  

A framework for enabling access to finance for MSMEs in Africa    Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) have been cited as one of the strongest drivers of economic development, job creation and innovation. Yet one of the biggest constraints stifling MSMEs growth, particularly in Africa, is the difficulty associated with accessing finance (Bruhn et al.,

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Holistic interventions for MSME resilience 
MSMEs, Ecosystems & Economic Opportunity

Holistic interventions for MSME resilience 

A guidebook using nine Asian countries (Cambodia, India, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Philippines and Vietnam) under the GIZ Integrated Climate and Disaster Risk Management Framework.  Micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) form the backbone of many economies globally. They contribute considerably to economic growth, employment and innovation. The IFC estimates that MSMEs account

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From product provider to trusted risk advisor
MSMEs, Ecosystems & Economic Opportunity

From product provider to trusted risk advisor

Unlocking the SME insurance market through a holistic approach to building resilience. I recently moved into an apartment above a popular Cape Town restaurant, the owner of which is also my landlord. Last week, the restaurant had a major leak that took a plumber three days to fix. Fixing a

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Digital platforms supporting MSMEs through Africa’s COVID-19 crisis
Digital Transformation & Data

Digital platforms supporting MSMEs through Africa’s COVID-19 crisis

The global COVID-19 pandemic has emphasised the importance of connectedness – and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) across Africa are no exception. As MSMEs begin a path to recovery in 2021, digital platforms can be a way to get them reconnected. The impact of COVID-19 on MSMEs in Africa

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Africa fintech radar
Digital Transformation & Data

Building the first pan-African fintech census and digital map

Africa Fintech Network (AFN), in partnership with global data analytics firm findexable and independent African think tank Cenfri, are launching the first pan-African fintech census and digital map to track fintech activity across the whole of Africa. The Africa Fintech Radar initiative will drive visibility and awareness of Africa’s fintech innovation ecosystems before a

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MSME microinsurance
MSMEs, Ecosystems & Economic Opportunity

Managing risks (more) effectively: Rethinking insurance for MSMEs 

MSMEs form the backbone of many economies globally and give rise to economic growth, employment and innovation. The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the extreme vulnerability of MSMEs to exogenous shocks and risks. However, the uptake and use of insurance remains extremely low for this group. In sub- Saharan Africa, it

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MSME resilience in Ghana
MSMEs, Ecosystems & Economic Opportunity

MSME resilience in Ghana

In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) make vital contributions to growth, employment and livelihoods, representing more than 90% of businesses and employing about 60% of workers.  However, the full potential of MSMEs is often not realised as they are highly exposed to risks that threaten their

Digitalizing farm to table supply chains in Asia
Digital Transformation & Data

Digitalizing farm to table supply chains in Asia

On-demand transport services and insurtech  Whether as a customer or a business, digital platforms that connect people and services are ubiquitous today. The adoption of technology in food logistics has presented the opportunity to transform agricultural and food systems with tools that are cheaper and quicker to implement. App-based logistics and transport systems have

Digital Transformation & Data

Guidance on start-up support in Ethiopia

Recommendations to support digital start-ups Cenfri supported Digital Financial in producing a technical guide on the creation of a fund to support a digital start-up ecosystem in Ethiopia. This work was commissioned by the Ministry of Finance (MoF) of Ethiopia in partnership with Digital Pathways at University of Oxford and

Policy catalogue on MSMEs financing in Africa
Governance, Policy & Regulation

MSMEs financing in Africa  

A framework for enabling access to finance for MSMEs in Africa    Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) have been cited as one of the strongest drivers of economic development, job creation and innovation. Yet one of the biggest constraints stifling MSMEs growth, particularly in Africa, is the difficulty associated with accessing finance (Bruhn et al.,

Holistic interventions for MSME resilience 
MSMEs, Ecosystems & Economic Opportunity

Holistic interventions for MSME resilience 

A guidebook using nine Asian countries (Cambodia, India, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Philippines and Vietnam) under the GIZ Integrated Climate and Disaster Risk Management Framework.  Micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) form the backbone of many economies globally. They contribute considerably to economic growth, employment and innovation. The IFC estimates that MSMEs account

From product provider to trusted risk advisor
MSMEs, Ecosystems & Economic Opportunity

From product provider to trusted risk advisor

Unlocking the SME insurance market through a holistic approach to building resilience. I recently moved into an apartment above a popular Cape Town restaurant, the owner of which is also my landlord. Last week, the restaurant had a major leak that took a plumber three days to fix. Fixing a

Digital platforms supporting MSMEs through Africa’s COVID-19 crisis
Digital Transformation & Data

Digital platforms supporting MSMEs through Africa’s COVID-19 crisis

The global COVID-19 pandemic has emphasised the importance of connectedness – and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) across Africa are no exception. As MSMEs begin a path to recovery in 2021, digital platforms can be a way to get them reconnected. The impact of COVID-19 on MSMEs in Africa

Africa fintech radar
Digital Transformation & Data

Building the first pan-African fintech census and digital map

Africa Fintech Network (AFN), in partnership with global data analytics firm findexable and independent African think tank Cenfri, are launching the first pan-African fintech census and digital map to track fintech activity across the whole of Africa. The Africa Fintech Radar initiative will drive visibility and awareness of Africa’s fintech innovation ecosystems before a

MSME microinsurance
MSMEs, Ecosystems & Economic Opportunity

Managing risks (more) effectively: Rethinking insurance for MSMEs 

MSMEs form the backbone of many economies globally and give rise to economic growth, employment and innovation. The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the extreme vulnerability of MSMEs to exogenous shocks and risks. However, the uptake and use of insurance remains extremely low for this group. In sub- Saharan Africa, it