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Consumer Outcomes

A financial sector that works for consumers has a suite of products and features that are suitable to consumers’ needs, are safe from cybercrime and that protect consumers’ privacy. Ideally, empowered consumers exercise an informed choice, understand the information disclosed to them, and have their voice heard in their interaction with financial services providers and agents.

The reality is often different. Cenfri’s consumer outcomes work aims to bridge the gap. We have worked with Consumers International, CGAP, GIZ, FSD Kenya, FSCA South Africa and the SADC Secretariat. Our track record includes policy briefs, regional consumer protection guidelines, financial inclusion measurement, measurement of consumer outcomes, and country-level consumer protection technical assistance.

We also have a significant body of work on behavioural science and its application in the financial sector.


Woman from Ghana with cellphone
Consumer Outcomes

A woman’s financial life: Does traditional data get it?

Whereas financial inclusion has seen a steady increase over the past few years, this positive trend has not necessarily taken women along. A gender gap in financial access and usage persists, and has not decreased over the years. Our efforts at understanding and closing the gender gap are hampered by

Consumer Outcomes

A customer-centric approach to measuring financial needs

A synthesis report on what we’ve learned As we set out to understand what our financial inclusion measurement quest would be, it became apparent that it matters what you try to measure. Financial inclusion targets (percentage of adults with a bank account, say) remain valid, but they don’t tell you

Measuring financial health
Consumer Outcomes

Measuring financial health: What policymakers need to know

Financial health is a potentially powerful concept that is attracting interest around the world. Citizens, politicians and policymakers know that effectively managing one’s financial resources – being financially healthy – is central to the success of both individuals and broad populations. If financial health is to be a useful construct,