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Digital Transformation & Data

Cenfri contributes to building the fundamentals of welfare-enhancing digital economies. We prioritise digital transformation that is inclusive, sustainable, opportunity-creating and has appropriate safeguards. Digital transformation underpins much of our work and ranges from payments digitalisation to digital economy diagnostics, and digital skills assessments to direct digitalisation support.

Cenfri also collaborates with policymakers and other public and private sector stakeholders in data-driven decision-making that is calibrated to the data available and is designed to strengthen the existing skills and data governance processes within these organisations. The Rwanda Economy Digitalisation Programme is our flagship evidence-informed policymaking and data-for-decisions intervention, but we have considerable experience in using evidence to generate insights and inform policymaking and business decision-making with a view to improved economic development outcomes. Our expertise in data, payments and digital identity enables us to contribute to current DPI (digital public infrastructure) conversations.

Consumer Outcomes

The Africa Fintech Hub – a platform designed to strengthen fintechs in Africa

Fintechs have the potential to significantly improve the options available to financially underserved individuals. Many fintech start-ups in Africa, however, struggle to reach the scale and level of maturity that would make them viable alternatives to the offerings from traditional financial service providers. This is particularly true for fintechs launched

Consumer Outcomes

Supporting the development of a digital finance index

Digital financial services are transforming global financial service provision and access. Rapid developments in fintech are disrupting and transforming financial landscapes worldwide, leading to new partnerships, including those with traditional financial service providers, to better serve existing customers and reach previously underserved consumer segments. However, the benefits of DFS are

Digital Transformation & Data

Guidance on developing a data and analytics strategy

In today’s data-driven world, many organisations recognise the importance of leveraging data insights to make decisions. However, once they attempt to harness and use their internal data, it becomes clear that data is not standardised and is often housed in different siloes of the organisation. Drawing from our experience in

Digital Transformation & Data

A decade of microinsurance innovation: promising or ‘meh’?

In October 2023, Doubell Chamberlain spoke to Rishi Raithatha about the impact that innovation and technology has had on the microinsurance market over the last 10 years. This is a short excerpt from the full interview. You can read more of the interview on the MicroInsurance Network site. Q: What

Digital Transformation & Data

Unique challenges and opportunities for Earth Observation in Rwanda

When I travelled the windy road from Kigali to the Volcanoes National Park to hike up Mount Bisoke, I spent most of my time looking out the window in awe at the scenery. The countryside is plotted and pieced together by thousands of fields of different crops. It is not

Digital Transformation & Data

Case study: Enhancing telecommunications connectivity through data analytics

The Government of Rwanda’s ambitious plan to become a cashless economy by 2024 has seen significant efforts and investments in the cashless and digitalisation agenda. These initiatives have led to the adoption of mobile money as one of the most popular financial transaction channels. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the value

Digital Transformation & Data

Digitising destinations: a tourist’s journey starts online

COVID-19 turned some of us into virtual voyagers. We spent hours scrolling through posts of people hiking to waterfalls, adventurers crossing canopy walks, and families soaking up the sun on blue flag beaches. After one too many posts captioned “take me back”, we promised that if we ever get out

Digital Transformation & Data

Open Finance in Africa: Designing context-appropriate approaches for the financial sector

Open Finance can be defined as the sharing of consumer data between financial service providers (FSPs) and/or third-party providers on the basis of consumer consent. Improved use of data and effective data sharing can support a better functioning market by facilitating greater competition and enabling innovation within the financial sector.

Digital Transformation & Data

Digital payments on the rise in the education sector

Education is of fundamental importance to Rwanda’s economy; and the country has high policy priorities in providing access across the country. Primary and secondary education are free but there are other costs such as contributions to the school feeding programmes, books, etc. The education sector faces various challenges including low