Now reading: Women on the move: Harnessing the economic forces of cross-border mobility in ASEAN

Consumer Outcomes

A financial sector that works for consumers has a suite of products and features that are suitable to consumers’ needs, are safe from cybercrime and that protect consumers’ privacy. Ideally, empowered consumers exercise an informed choice, understand the information disclosed to them, and have their voice heard in their interaction with financial services providers and agents.

The reality is often different. Cenfri’s consumer outcomes work aims to bridge the gap. We have worked with Consumers International, CGAP, GIZ, FSD Kenya, FSCA South Africa and the SADC Secretariat. Our track record includes policy briefs, regional consumer protection guidelines, financial inclusion measurement, measurement of consumer outcomes, and country-level consumer protection technical assistance.

We also have a significant body of work on behavioural science and its application in the financial sector.

Consumer Outcomes

Women on the move: Harnessing the economic forces of cross-border mobility in ASEAN

Financial services, including savings accounts and investments into capital assets such as land, have traditionally excluded women in the ASEAN region. Evidence shows that including them can greatly influence the intergenerational wealth of their families. This report focuses on the role played by remittances in achieving broader development objectives with