Now reading: 10 years, eight trends: Where does microinsurance go from here?

Insurance for development

Governments and donors are increasingly recognising the potential of insurance and improved risk management to contribute to broader policy and development objectives. They do this, for example, through the de-risking of value chains to improve productivity, using data to predict and manage risks, supporting enterprises through improved risk management and supporting the development of capital markets to contribute to growth.

Our research explores the potential opportunities to contribute to these policy and development objectives through better risk management and insurance.

Some of the key questions we are exploring are:

Explore our work and contact us for more information.

Regulating for Innovation webinar
Insurance for development

10 years, eight trends: Where does microinsurance go from here?

8 trends that will shape the future of microinsurance As Cenfri and the ILO’s Impact Insurance Facility turn 10, they reflect on the last decade of microinsurance and identify eight trends that will shape its future over the decade.     This work forms part of the Risk, Remittances and

Insurance for development

Voluntary take-up: The holy grail of microinsurance

Last week, Cenfri was in Brussels to present at the BRS microfinance lunch on what we deem to be the holy grail of microinsurance – voluntary take-up (something highly desirable but very hard to achieve). The BRS microfinance lunch is a semi-annual series that provides an opportunity for the KBC

Data and Analytics

Regulating for change: Five important considerations

I recently participated in a panel at the IAIS Global Seminar in Moscow where a regulator from the audience asked a very relevant question: Given the scale of technological change in my market, how do I still ensure effective regulation? It is a question we’re increasingly hearing from financial sector regulators and

Ed=ffect of COVID-19 on African insurance markets
Insurance for development

Third-party cell captives as an enabler for transformation in the insurance sector

During the parliamentary hearings on financial sector transformation last year, there was a strong sense of urgency for radical transformation. In the insurance industry, some targets have been met, but others are still lagging behind. Can cell captives help to drive a more transformed insurance market? And if so, what

Insurance for development

Building concrete markets: The role of insurance in property markets in Africa

The housing shortfall in Africa is immense. For instance, the World Bank (2017) estimates that across eight countries in West Africa about 800,000 new housing units are needed every year to address the housing shortages. Yet, banks in these countries collectively only issue 15,000 new mortgages per year. Similar shortages


The role of insurance regulators in dealing with consumer data protection risks

Across industries, businesses are collecting, storing and using increasing amounts of consumer data. This has been made possible by the growth in broadband connectivity, particularly through smartphone penetration, and the increased capacity to collect and share data on individuals. Technological developments in data analytics have increasingly allowed businesses to use

Consumer Outcomes

China Access to Insurance Diagnostic: A Market and Regulatory Analysis

This report contains the findings of a diagnostic study on the provision of microinsurance to rural workers in China. The study was commissioned by the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) and approved by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) in 2010. The study covers the provision of personal and property

Ecosystems & Economic Opportunity

Beyond the numbers: Tailoring insurance cover for MSMEs

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are the lifeblood of most economies globally. They are recognised as one of the primary engines for growth and employment, making up at least 90% of businesses and more than 50% of employment worldwide. Policy-makers and donors are increasingly pushing MSME development, and global

Insurance for development

The role of insurance for growth in Africa

Does insurance matter for welfare and growth? Within the microinsurance discourse, the answer to this question is usually considered from the risk mitigation point of view: By helping people to mitigate risk, it makes them more resilient, thereby impacting on household welfare. Then there’s also an intermediation role. By acting as