Now reading: Implications of COVID-19 for the sustainability of insurers in sub-Saharan Africa

COVID-19 impact and recovery

Cenfri is concerned about the global economic and health outcomes of the Coronavirus pandemic. We are continuing to work with partners and other organisations to better understand the impact of COVID-19, with a focus on the following areas:

This work aims to support policymakers and regulators, central banks, the private sector and others in the mutual efforts to improve resilience and encourage recovery in developing countries.

impact of COVID-19 on the sustainability of African insurance markets
COVID-19 impact and recovery

Implications of COVID-19 for the sustainability of insurers in sub-Saharan Africa

Webinar: The impact of COVID-19 on the sustainability of African insurance markets Our research in partnership with FSD Africa shows that many insurers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) were already vulnerable before the onset of COVID-19 and that the effects of the pandemic will heighten this vulnerability. What are the medium

impact of COVID-19 on the sustainability of African insurance markets
COVID-19 impact and recovery

Webinar: The impact of COVID-19 on the sustainability of African insurance markets

The COVID-19 health crisis has turned into an economic crisis that is affecting a broad range of sectors. On 27 March, the IAIS released a statement saying that, while insurers “are exposed on both sides of their balance sheets”, they “are generally well capitalised with sophisticated risk management capabilities, which should help the sector as a whole to

South Africa lockdown restrictions
Behavioural Science

Sink or swim: Who is recovering as South Africa eases its lockdown restrictions?

On 1 May 2020, South Africa lowered its lockdown restrictions to Level 4 – a level at which the economy began reopening and several significant restrictions for South African citizens were eased. With some businesses reopening and reduced restrictions on movement, the difficult trade-offs between public health and economic recovery

Staying afloat: The sustainability of insurers
COVID-19 impact and recovery

Staying afloat: The sustainability of insurers

The impact of COVID-19 on SSA insurance markets The COVID-19 health crisis is already turning into an economic crisis that will see a broad range of sectors affected. The IAIS and IMF deem the insurance sector to be relatively resilient as a result of the steps taken in response to

Interview with Gareth Taylor, manager of Bolt
COVID-19 impact and recovery

Livelihoods of workers on e-hailing platforms

Webinar: Livelihoods of workers on e-hailing platforms The sustainability of e-hailing platforms is coming under question, and as Africa grapples with the COVID-19 crisis, platform margins have come under immense pressure. Some e-hailing platforms have responded by rapidly readjusting their offering, leveraging their last-mile delivery networks to pivot into logistics

Behavioural science and Covid19
Behavioural Science

What’s the fuss? The rise of behavioural science for development

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, governments across the world are asking individuals to stay at home. Lockdown, self-isolation and quarantine are becoming a part of our everyday vocabulary as the world tries to slow the spread of the virus. Undoubtedly many of you have received a text message from your government

I’ll see you in court!
COVID-19 impact and recovery

The impact of COVID-19 on digitisation in the insurance sector in sub-Saharan Africa

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated a number of existing challenges in the sub-Saharan African (SSA) insurance industry and has placed further pressure on the need to address these challenges. The lack of digitisation across the continent has been strongly highlighted in the last few months, with many insurers’ operations heavily

Payments and COVID-19
COVID-19 impact and recovery

How to fill the remittance gaps left by COVID-19

When we think of the African diaspora, we often imagine large networks across Europe or North America and the indelible contribution they play to national culture and society. But get in a taxi in Cape Town, South Africa, and there is a high chance your driver is from Malawi, Nigeria,

Covid-19 and insurers
COVID-19 impact and recovery

Insurers can play a key role in getting societies back to work

In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, insurance should be a primary mechanism for many people across the world to cope. Instead, the limited penetration of insurance products in developing countries has pushed insurance to the periphery. However, all is not lost. Insurers still have a key role to play

COVID-19 impact and recovery

The impact of COVID-19 on African insurance markets

Challenges and opportunities for insurance providers and regulators across sub-Saharan Africa  The COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying restrictions by many governments across sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have forced insurance providers, insurance regulators and consumers to rethink how they interact and maintain operations through this period. Furthermore, the economic crisis resulting from the