Now reading: The Remittance Innovation Toolkit: Guidance on improving access to remittances

Policy and Regulation


The Remittance Innovation Toolkit: Guidance on improving access to remittances

There’s no disputing the contribution of migrant remittances to the economic well-being of friends and family back home. For many African countries, the value of remittance flows exceeds that of foreign direct investment.   However accessing the money via formal channels can be challenging for recipients who are faced with Know

Data and Analytics

Open Finance in Africa: Designing context-appropriate approaches for the financial sector

Open Finance can be defined as the sharing of consumer data between financial service providers (FSPs) and/or third-party providers on the basis of consumer consent. Improved use of data and effective data sharing can support a better functioning market by facilitating greater competition and enabling innovation within the financial sector.

Financial Integrity & Identity

An assessment of customer due diligence and identity regulatory frameworks

Innovation opportunities for enhanced remittance access As part of our Remittance Access Ininitative (RAI), Cenfri conducted a regulatory assessment of seven countries (Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Senegal, South Africa, The Gambia and Uganda) to consider whether the regulatory environment was conducive to innovations around the know-your-customer (KYC) and customer due diligence

Digital Governance, Digital Financial Services and the SDGs

Beyond guesswork: A data-driven path to better public-bus-system planning in Kigali

Data-driven decision-making is becoming increasingly important in Rwanda. Very large datasets are generated in real-time across the economy: each time you transact using mobile money or purchase a bus ticket – to name but a few examples – data is generated. If public and private decision-makers can effectively draw on


Consumer protection in digital finance

The authors of this report would like to acknowledge the support of the International Dialogue on Consumer Protection in Context of the SDGs, coordinated by GIZ.  Consumer protection in digital financial services is important for sustainable development. The digitalisation of commerce and financial services has positively contributed to sustainable development


Responsive and responsible regulation

The value of non-legally binding guidance Regulation is the regulator’s strongest and most fundamental tool; but it can take years to be published. In Zambia, for example, microinsurance regulation drafted in 2014 was only published in 2021. Despite strong commitment from industry, this wait created uncertainty within the industry and

Digital Transformation & Data

Practice what you preach: Giving consumers a say in consumer protection

New and proposed financial regulations, such as South Africa’s Pension Funds Amendment Bill, often make headline news because of their wide-reaching and often controversial impact. Financial regulations such as these underpin the financial system and have direct implications for consumers and how they engage with financial services. Whether the focus

Regulatory adaptation: considering the changing role of financial regulators and responses to innovation
Financial Inclusion

Regulatory adaptation: The changing role of financial sector regulators

Considering the changing role of financial regulators and responses to innovation Innovation creates opportunities, enhances efficiencies, increases competition, drives scale, and improves the reach and value of financial products and services to consumers. For many financial regulators, innovation is a double-edged sword which also brings risk, and due to its

Digitalizing farm to table supply chains in Asia
Digital Transformation & Data

Digitalizing farm to table supply chains in Asia

On-demand transport services and insurtech  Whether as a customer or a business, digital platforms that connect people and services are ubiquitous today. The adoption of technology in food logistics has presented the opportunity to transform agricultural and food systems with tools that are cheaper and quicker to implement. App-based logistics and transport systems have