Now reading: The case for insurance innovators to consider the cell captive regulatory model

Policy and Regulation

The case for insurance innovators to consider the cell captive regulatory model
Digital Transformation & Data

The case for insurance innovators to consider the cell captive regulatory model

 In many African countries, the potential for inclusive insurance markets is significant, however, this potential has yet to be fully realised. High entry barriers for new innovative players and regulation that may not effectively accommodate them are important contributing factors.   The cell captive model has emerged as a way for entrepreneurs or organisations with an insurance business

Policy catalogue on MSMEs financing in Africa

MSMEs financing in Africa  

A framework for enabling access to finance for MSMEs in Africa    Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) have been cited as one of the strongest drivers of economic development, job creation and innovation. Yet one of the biggest constraints stifling MSMEs growth, particularly in Africa, is the difficulty associated with accessing finance (Bruhn et al.,

Rethinking governance in a digital age
Digital Governance, Digital Financial Services and the SDGs

Rethinking governance in a digital age

WIRED: Social media CEOs hearing can’t defend their business model When Clive Humby (while advising UK retailer Tesco on the use of data in their loyalty programme), invented the now overused mantra that “data is the new oil” he most likely did not anticipate that the analogy would extend to the negative consequences of the oil economy

Regulating for innovation toolkit
Digital Governance, Digital Financial Services and the SDGs

Regulating for innovation: A supervisory toolkit

A supervisory toolkit to help regulators navigate their role and guide decisions in regulating for innovation.   The need to create an environment that enables innovation is an increasingly important priority for financial regulators across the developing world. Regulatory mandates have expanded and financial regulators are increasingly legally responsible for the conduct of business, consumer outcomes and proactive market

Data in Real Time: How Digitalisation is Transforming Financial Policies in Africa
Digital Governance, Digital Financial Services and the SDGs

Data in real time: How digitalisation is transforming financial policies in Africa

For the past year, Cenfri and Finmark Trust have been partnering with NextBillion to share insights from their Insight2Impact (i2i) initiative, a five-year program that has sought to improve financial inclusion and related public policies through the smarter use of data. Their Openi2i Series has explored key learning areas from the program, ranging from program design and stakeholder engagement to digital skills development and innovation

Recover and adapt
COVID-19 impact and recovery

COVID-19 policy response framework

COVID-19 is leaving no country unaffected. For the development community and national policymakers, this creates a clear imperative: Wield whatever tools will be most effective to provide immediate relief and, more importantly, support longer-term adaptation to break the downward spiral. But this is easier said than done in sub-Saharan Africa

Leadership and police insurance COVID-19
COVID-19 impact and recovery

Leading from the front

Why visible and proactive policy leadership matters more than ever for insurance in the wake of COVID-19 As we discussed in our first blog in this series, our deep dive studies[1] across four Sub-Saharan Africa countries show that insurance matters for sustainable development and growth on three fronts: by building

Measuring financial health
Consumer Outcomes

Measuring financial health: What policymakers need to know

Financial health is a potentially powerful concept that is attracting interest around the world. Citizens, politicians and policymakers know that effectively managing one’s financial resources – being financially healthy – is central to the success of both individuals and broad populations. If financial health is to be a useful construct,

Consumer Outcomes

COVID-19 and financial health: Too ambitious a target for these times?

As Beth Rhyne captured in her recent blog on Nextbillion, before COVID-19 an alarmingly large portion of adults around the world were not financially resilient.  Gallup asked people how long they could meet their basic needs if their income stopped – by drawing on reserves or selling something. The percentage