Now reading: A customer-centric approach to measuring financial needs

Policy and Regulation

Consumer Outcomes

A customer-centric approach to measuring financial needs

A synthesis report on what we’ve learned As we set out to understand what our financial inclusion measurement quest would be, it became apparent that it matters what you try to measure. Financial inclusion targets (percentage of adults with a bank account, say) remain valid, but they don’t tell you

illicit financial flows
Financial Integrity & Identity

The importance of indicators in combatting illicit financial flows

The problem of illicit financial flows is recognised in the SDGs yet little progress has been made in combatting them Illicit financial flows (IFFs) are typically understood as “dirty money” crossing borders. The term covers a number of different cross-jurisdictional crimes including money laundering (ML), bribery, corruption, resource smuggling, human

Regulating for Innovation webinar

Regulating for innovation: an evolving framework

This focus note aims to equip regulators with a decision framework that illustrates the available tools required to regulate for innovation. Why is it necessary to regulate for innovation? Digital innovation is changing the nature of financial markets. Innovation can create opportunities, enhance efficiencies, increase competition, drive scale, and improve


Regulating for responsible data innovation

The role of insurance regulators in dealing with risks relating to consumer data protection and privacy Data innovation is challenging the traditional role of insurance regulators. Two major dilemmas emerge that insurance regulators and indeed all financial sector regulators face when confronted with how to regulate consumer data: They must

Data and Analytics

Regulating for change: Five important considerations

I recently participated in a panel at the IAIS Global Seminar in Moscow where a regulator from the audience asked a very relevant question: Given the scale of technological change in my market, how do I still ensure effective regulation? It is a question we’re increasingly hearing from financial sector regulators and


The role of insurance regulators in dealing with consumer data protection risks

Across industries, businesses are collecting, storing and using increasing amounts of consumer data. This has been made possible by the growth in broadband connectivity, particularly through smartphone penetration, and the increased capacity to collect and share data on individuals. Technological developments in data analytics have increasingly allowed businesses to use

Regulating for Innovation webinar
Digital Transformation & Data

Regulating for innovation: How to encourage responsible market innovation

For regulators, the dual implications of innovation make it a critically important but challenging topic to address. Regulators with a mandate to encourage market development and sectoral growth are obliged to encourage innovative providers and products that help to drive this market development and enhance consumer value. However, regulators are

MAP Zambia diagnostic and roadmap to financial inclusion
Consumer Outcomes

MAP Zambia diagnostic and roadmap to financial inclusion

From 2009 to 2015 the proportion of adults, financially excluded from any financial service, decreased from 63% to 41% in Zambia, which exceeded the Zambian Government‘s national target of 50%. More than 14% of these adults now use mobile money services, whilst the largest growth has been in the use

Data and Analytics

Data Portal

The Data Portal, first launched under the insight2impact programme, is now hosted by FinMark Trust. Compare indicators across countries and periods. Start by gaining a broad overview of the financial market through National Surveys, (which are nationally representative surveys of adults in a particular country) demonstrate how people source their income