Now reading: Microinsurance solutions for climate change

Insurance for development

Governments and donors are increasingly recognising the potential of insurance and improved risk management to contribute to broader policy and development objectives. They do this, for example, through the de-risking of value chains to improve productivity, using data to predict and manage risks, supporting enterprises through improved risk management and supporting the development of capital markets to contribute to growth.

Our research explores the potential opportunities to contribute to these policy and development objectives through better risk management and insurance.

Some of the key questions we are exploring are:

Explore our work and contact us for more information.

Insurance for development

Microinsurance solutions for climate change

The third edition of The State of Microinsurance annual journal looks at microinsurance solutions for climate change, focusing on pioneering ideas in the way micro-insurance is being designed and offered, and highlighting key lessons learned from a range of different programmes and initiatives. Published by the Microinsurance Network, this report

Financial Inclusion

Diving into the data

Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are recognised globally as a major engine of growth and employment creation. Access to finance is their most commonly cited barrier to growth. The IFC estimates that there are between 200 and 245 million formal and informal MSMEs in developing countries that do not

Consumer Outcomes

MAP Madagascar diagnostic and roadmap to financial inclusion

MAP Madagascar 2017 found that the island state has a largely agrarian population vulnerable to the extremes of nature: 72% of adults depended on agriculture, more than 4.2m adults experienced a climate-related shock in the preceding year, and at least 40% reported being uncertain about whether they will have food

Insurance for development

Role of inclusive insurance markets in economic growth and poverty reduction

There is much dialogue on the way insurance markets can contribute to poverty reduction by helping low-income individuals to preserve assets and mitigate the effects of financial shocks, thereby reducing vulnerability. There has also been significant effort to promote microinsurance to low-income adults. However, less has been written about the

Digital Transformation & Data

Insurtech tracker archive

This is the first version of the insurtech tracker. Explore more on insurtech here or see the updated insurtech tracker here.