MAP Mozambique

Mozambique is a country on the move. Since emerging from its long civil war in the 1990s, the country has liberalised its economy, initiated the construction of new infrastructure on a vast scale and instituted extensive public reform. The financial sector, in particular, has seen far reaching changes. Not only were several state-owned financial institutions privatised, but many new financial institutions have emerged. The economy responded with strong growth, averaging 7.5% in real terms between 2005 and 2014.

In 2014, the Ministry of Finance formally requested FinMark Trust’s support for its ongoing financial inclusion agenda. The MAP Mozambique study would form the basis for the development of a multi-stakeholder roadmap, which in turn would be leveraged as a vehicle towards an integrated financial inclusion strategy in Mozambique.

The MAP Mozambique’s 2014 reports present a comprehensive analysis of the financial inclusion environment in Mozambique. As part of the analysis, five financial inclusion priorities were identified:

  • Facilitate interoperability in the retail payment system.
  • Allow banks to price for cash.
  • Improve liquidity of formal providers.
  • Reduce client barriers seated in regulation.
  • Create sound regulatory frameworks for important product categories such as mobile money, cross-border remittances and micro-insurance.

MAP Mozambique was run in partnership between the DFID-funded financial sector deepening trust (FSD Mozambique), FinMark Trust, Cenfri and UNCDF.

Download the diagnostic report

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Download the synthesis report

English Size 2mb


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