Now reading: Supporting the development of a digital finance index

Measurement in Financial Inclusion

The increasing prominence of financial inclusion as a tool for development and growth has spawned extensive data-gathering initiatives to measure, understand and improve it. The result is a variety of new measurement frameworks that leverage this data.

Early indications suggest that financial inclusion targets (such as the percentage of adults with a bank account) remain valid, but they don’t tell you much when tracked in isolation. Are people actually using their financial services, can serve as a useful measurement of consumer status or outcomes, and, more importantly, what is the impact on livelihoods?

See how we are working to change the way financial inclusion is viewed and the data used to measure it.

Digital Transformation & Data

Supporting the development of a digital finance index

Digital financial services are transforming global financial service provision and access. Rapid developments in fintech are disrupting and transforming financial landscapes worldwide, leading to new partnerships, including those with traditional financial service providers, to better serve existing customers and reach previously underserved consumer segments. However, the benefits of DFS are

Risks, Harms and Opportunities - How can data and data driven technologies impact financial inclusion efforts in Africa?
Data and Analytics

Risks, harms and opportunities in data-driven technology for financial inclusion

How can data and data-driven technologies impact financial inclusion efforts in Africa? As the region with the most unbanked and underserved citizens, combined with a growing mobile penetration rate and emerging digital identity (DigiID) systems — sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) could prove fertile ground for beneficial data-driven technologies that facilitate digital

Regulatory adaptation: considering the changing role of financial regulators and responses to innovation
Financial Inclusion

Regulatory adaptation: The changing role of financial sector regulators

Considering the changing role of financial regulators and responses to innovation Innovation creates opportunities, enhances efficiencies, increases competition, drives scale, and improves the reach and value of financial products and services to consumers. For many financial regulators, innovation is a double-edged sword which also brings risk, and due to its

Guidance for policymakers on financial health
Financial Inclusion

Guidance for policymakers on financial health

The UNSGSA Financial Health Working Group (FHWG) was convened by HM Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA). The working group has released two publications aimed at helping policymakers understand and measure financial health, notably in the context of financial

From Financial Inclusion To Inclusive Finance
Digital Governance, Digital Financial Services and the SDGs

From financial inclusion to inclusive finance

The power of frameworks to catalyse change In this age of information, we increasingly rely on data to inform our decisions. But it is not just the data itself which is important for decision making. The utility of data for policy and investment very much depends on the paradigms and

Financial inclusion
Financial Inclusion

Can Africa really ‘build back better’?

How financial inclusion must evolve to enable a COVID-19 recovery Sub-Saharan Africa has long been one of the financial inclusion sector’s top success stories. But according to David Ferrand, despite strong gains in inclusion across the region, the overall impact of that newfound financial access has been disappointing. Even before

COVID-19 Recover and adapt
COVID-19 impact and recovery

A trial by fire

The future of financial health measurement What is financial inclusion contributing in the face of COVID-19 and how do we measure it? The COVID-19 pandemic rages like a bushfire across the world – putting to test the development community’s long-held notion that financial inclusion would protect the poor against the

Measuring financial health
Consumer Outcomes

Measuring financial health: What policymakers need to know

Financial health is a potentially powerful concept that is attracting interest around the world. Citizens, politicians and policymakers know that effectively managing one’s financial resources – being financially healthy – is central to the success of both individuals and broad populations. If financial health is to be a useful construct,