Now reading: Delivering on the promise of digitising payments in Zambia

Payments and Remittances

Cross-border and domestic money transfers play a critical role in the financial strategies of low-income households and present many opportunities to extend financial inclusion.

Our extensive research on themes and imperatives for national and regional payment systems and remittances spans sub-Saharan Africa and forms part of our dedicated programme on risk, remittances and integrity in partnership with FSD Africa.

Delivering on the promise of digitising payments in Zambia
Digital Transformation & Data

Delivering on the promise of digitising payments in Zambia

Digital financial inclusion holds great promise. Last year, a McKinsey report found that digital finance could add up to $3.7 trillion to the GDP of emerging economies within a decade. A recent blog from the World Bank explains that the biggest impact from financial inclusion comes from digital payments and savings accounts. Studies

Payments & Remittances

Cash is king for Africans sending money from the UK

The way we stay in touch, do our shopping, and even the ways in which some of us find love, have all gone digital. Yet, for the vast majority of people sending money home to friends and family in Africa, they are still doing it the way they have always

Consumer Outcomes

MAP DRC diagnostic and roadmap to financial inclusion

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) may be one of the most challenging environments for financial services. From both a provider and consumer perspective, infrastructure, a rapidly changing financial services landscape and regional disparities pose significant challenges to the market. In 2014, the Ministry of Finance formally requested UNCDF’s

Financial Inclusion

Cross-border remittances

The World Bank estimated that in 2016 remittances from migrant workers to developing countries will be worth USD 440 billion. More than twice that of foreign aid. Remittances play a critical role in supporting the welfare of many individuals and households in developing countries. Moreover, remittances can contribute to economic

Digital Transformation & Data

Un-networked retailers: A growing channel for financial services distribution?

Agent networks are critical for expanding access to financial services in developing countries. They enable providers to offer viable cost-effective financial services at scale in developing countries reaching previously unserved and underserved adults. The focus has traditionally been on networked agents but increasingly providers are recognising the potential of un-networked

Financial Inclusion

The South Africa-SADC remittance channel

In 2012, it was estimated that 3.3m SADC migrant workers in South Africa sent around R11.2 billion home each year; R7.6 billion of which is estimated to flow through informal channels such as sending cash with a bus or taxi driver. The sheer volume of cross-border remittance flows and the

Financial Inclusion

Remittance study on Zimbabwe migrant workers in South Africa

This 2010 study is concerned with the remittance of funds to Zimbabwe from South Africa and assesses the suitability of the 90-day casual worker’s permit issued to Zimbabweans as a tool for financial inclusion with a focus on the remittance of funds to Zimbabwe. Whilst the 90-day permit ceased to

women going shopping in Zimbabwe
Financial Inclusion

Zimbabwe Remittance Corridor

This study, undertaken by Saul Kerzner, was commissioned by Cenfri, on behalf of the FinMark Trust, to sketch a picture of the remittances landscape in the Johannesburg-Zimbabwe corridor. The aim was to build an understanding of the dynamics of remittances sent to Zimbabwe and the drivers of change and to

Financial Inclusion

Reviewing the regulatory framework for money transfers in South Africa

As economic hub of the region, South Africa attracts a large number of migrant workers from neighbouring countries, many of them without the necessary documentation and work permits. Regardless of their status, migrants send money home to families that are often dependent on these remittances for survival. Though the majority

Financial Inclusion

Zambia: The landscape of remittances

This Cenfri research project conducted for the Finmark Trust Zambia, provides an overview of the remittances landscape in Zambia considering the trends, opportunities and challenges. The purpose of this document is to provide a basis for debate amongst industry, regulators and other interested parties and identify areas for future research. The findings are based