Now reading: Insurtech Tracker

Microinsurance and Health Financing

Microinsurance refers to the provision of insurance to lower-income households. If appropriately designed and intermediated, insurance products can play an important role in reducing vulnerability for low-income households as well as presenting profitable markets for commercial insurance providers. In addition, ensuring well-functioning health financing systems is a critical element of development policy and the delivery of health services.

We’ve done extensive work on the regulation and development of microinsurance and health financing markets in Africa, Latin America and Asia.

Insurance for development

Insurtech Tracker

The rise of insurtechs in emerging markets In light of the insurtech trends, Cenfri wanted to understand to what extent insurtechs in emerging markets are able to better serve the customer and provide more value to both the insurer and the end-user. Our initial work considered insurtech in microinsurance, types

Regulating for Innovation webinar
Insurance for development

10 years, eight trends: Where does microinsurance go from here?

8 trends that will shape the future of microinsurance As Cenfri and the ILO’s Impact Insurance Facility turn 10, they reflect on the last decade of microinsurance and identify eight trends that will shape its future over the decade.     This work forms part of the Risk, Remittances and

Busy street Kenya
Digital Governance, Digital Financial Services and the SDGs

Inclusive insurance enhanced through the use of client data

How different types of alternative and traditional client data solve key challenges in inclusive insurance provision This publication adds depth to the discussion of the use of client data in inclusive insurance provision, by examining the specific applications of different types of data to different key insurance activities. The explosion

Insurance for development

Voluntary take-up: The holy grail of microinsurance

Last week, Cenfri was in Brussels to present at the BRS microfinance lunch on what we deem to be the holy grail of microinsurance – voluntary take-up (something highly desirable but very hard to achieve). The BRS microfinance lunch is a semi-annual series that provides an opportunity for the KBC


The role of insurance regulators in dealing with consumer data protection risks

Across industries, businesses are collecting, storing and using increasing amounts of consumer data. This has been made possible by the growth in broadband connectivity, particularly through smartphone penetration, and the increased capacity to collect and share data on individuals. Technological developments in data analytics have increasingly allowed businesses to use

Consumer Outcomes

China Access to Insurance Diagnostic: A Market and Regulatory Analysis

This report contains the findings of a diagnostic study on the provision of microinsurance to rural workers in China. The study was commissioned by the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) and approved by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) in 2010. The study covers the provision of personal and property

African man walking and talking on mobile phone
Digital Transformation & Data

Using technology to build loyalty among insurance customers

Mary is the owner of a small business in Blantyre, Malawi, and the main breadwinner for her family. To support her family in the event that something happens to her, she has a funeral policy that she contributes to monthly in cash at the local insurance branch. The process is

MAP Zambia diagnostic and roadmap to financial inclusion
Consumer Outcomes

MAP Zambia diagnostic and roadmap to financial inclusion

From 2009 to 2015 the proportion of adults, financially excluded from any financial service, decreased from 63% to 41% in Zambia, which exceeded the Zambian Government‘s national target of 50%. More than 14% of these adults now use mobile money services, whilst the largest growth has been in the use

Risk, Remittances and Integrity Programme image
Financial Inclusion

Risk, Remittances and Integrity Programme

The five-year RRI programme is a partnership between FSD Africa and Cenfri. Its aim is to improve welfare and boost investment growth in sub-Saharan Africa. To achieve this, it works to strengthen the integrity and risk management role of the financial sector and to facilitate remittance flows within and into

Micropensions and the future of work
Microinsurance and Health Financing

Micropensions and the future of work

Learning from the emerging world  Earlier this month, we attended the World Bank Group Annual Meetings in Washington D.C. At the meetings, the World Bank and IMF raised key issues around the impact of technology on the decentralisation of the economy and the future of work. It is likely to result in a