Now reading: The application of behavioural interventions

Technology and Innovation

Technology and innovation is changing the nature of financial markets. Innovation can create opportunities, enhance efficiencies, increase competition, drive scale, and improve the reach and value of financial products and services to consumers. However, with innovation also comes risk.

Much attention is currently placed on the development of new technologies, business models and on creating the regulatory space for these models to encourage and facilitate innovation whilst protecting consumers to support both market development and consumer protection.

Our work explores the benefits and risks of technology and innovation across Africa and Latin America. We work to understand, map and support the various drivers for inclusive innovation, including the development of sustainable and welfare-enhancing products.

Africa’s financial service providers
Behavioural Science

The application of behavioural interventions

As we explore how behavioural science can narrow the gap between customer intention and customer action, we have started to look at examples from specific financial services. Two sectors identified as playing a role in improving the lives of the financially excluded are insurance and formal remittances. Behavioural interventions and

Central bank digital currency (CBDC) and financial inclusion
Digital Transformation & Data

Central bank digital currency (CBDC) and financial inclusion

What can CBDC do for emerging markets: a case for mobile money Central banks have started to actively explore central bank digital currency (CBDC) – a new digital form of legal tender that mimics cash. Our initial note “The benefits and potential risks of digital fiat currencies” highlighted that CBDC

Four things we learned at the 2019 Seamless Southern Africa Conference
Digital Transformation & Data

Four things we learned at the 2019 Seamless Southern Africa Conference

Understanding the state of digital payments in sub-Saharan Africa. The Seamless Southern Africa conference took place in Cape Town, South Africa, from 11 to 13 March 2019. The conference offered a platform for discussions on an array of topics, including the digitisation of payments, cryptocurrencies and financial innovation, and the

Evolution of agent networks in Africa
Digital Transformation & Data

The evolution of agent networks in Africa

Case study: Kenya The majority of mobile-money flows continue to be dominated by cash-in and cash-out (CICO) transactions. This has led to the increasing belief that widely distributed networks of agents are essential access points for consumers, especially in rural and remote regions, to facilitate CICO needs. It is accepted

Digital Transformation & Data

You matter more than you think: The role of actuaries in the digital age

Traditionally, actuaries find themselves poring over mortality tables and calculating complicated risks with limited data, particularly in emerging markets. With the advent of the fourth industrial revolution, this is changing. The world seems to be revolving around data. Data is making our lives more convenient. We have fridges that order

How are African digital platforms shaping the economic development conversation?
Data and Analytics

How are African digital platforms shaping the economic development conversation?

Insights from an expert workshop on the potential of African digital platforms to influence development African digital platforms are giving rise to new financial needs; creating and bridging barriers to financial and economic inclusion; and revolutionising the informal economic activities of merchants and individuals. These platforms can have both positive

Digital Transformation & Data

Payment systems in sub-Saharan Africa

This two-part note series explores the state of national and regional payment systems in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Note 1 explores themes and imperatives for national and regional payment systems that enable remittances. It provides an overview of the regulatory frameworks in SSA and the principles to be considered to mitigate risks

Digital platform ecosystem
Digital Africa

The potential of digital platforms as distributors and enablers of insurance in Africa

The past decade has seen the emergence of digital platforms. These digital platforms (also known as multi-sided platforms[1]) connect buyers and sellers of goods and services and allow them to seamlessly transact with one another. They are providing new ways for workers, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), and consumers

Digital Africa

African digital platforms and the future of digital financial services

As societies and economies change, so should the financial products that serve them The insight2impact facility in partnership with Research ICT Africa have created this series of infographics to describe their key findings on multi-sided platforms as part of the exploration on the rise of African digital platforms, and the individuals

Digital Africa

The rise of African digital platforms

Early findings from our African digital platforms and the future of financial services research An increasingly digital and connected Africa is providing new ways for entrepreneurs and consumers to participate in the economy. To better understand the related opportunities and challenges, the i2i facility has embarked on a journey across